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Application reload in CCC Apply


1 comment

  • Official comment
    Staff-Support (Jsmith)

    Hello Isaura, 

    I  think that you are referring to the Reset Downloads utilities in the CCCApply Administrator that has been removed. It was under the "Utilities" menu item in menu bar. This is what that the tool did:

    Resetting Downloaded Applications
    By default, the Download Client downloads only those student applications that have not already been downloaded. When you run the Download Client, it only delivers new applications that have been submitted since the last time it was run. If for some reason the need arises to re-download applications, the Reset Downloads module allows you to reset previously-downloaded applications to enable the Download Client to deliver them.
    It had nothing to do with the SPAM filter. It is gone. It never did anything for you AFTER you stopped using the download client. Many thought it did something but it did not.  It was a defunct tool. 


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