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Spam Filter & Application reset lagging



  • Official comment
    Staff-Support (Jsmith)

    Hello Samantha,

    Today there was a spike in CPU usage that most likely caused the slow or timed out service. Some nodes were cycled and the problem was taken solved in short time. 

  • Samantha Powell


    Looks like we are having the same issue again this time we are receiving an error message displaying Error 500. Anyone else having issues with Spam Filter and resetting application for download?


  • Staff-Support (Jsmith)

    Today there was a spike in CPU usage that most likely caused the slow or timed out service. It is being looked into as there is a ticket on the issue. 

    The "reset application for download" is a defunct function that no longer works. It was used when schools used the download client. The download client is no longer used and no schools use it. All schools use super glue. The tool as it appears in CCCApply is scheduled to be hidden as it no longer works. Accompanying documentation will also make note of this change. It is expected that this will happen within the next release cycle. 


  • Samantha Powell

    Thank you, yes we are on superglue as well. My concern was with the spam filter when we confirm or verify if an application is not fraud as per the previous instructions when confirming a student's application is NOT fraud we also have to reset their application for download. Was this step revised? Do we no longer need to reset the application and only confirm app is fraud or not fraud in the spam filter and it will move the application forward through superglue?

  • Staff-Support (Jsmith)

    Setting the application to NOT fraud will send the application back through the work flow. 

    The reset download step can be removed from your process, it is defunct. and does nothing. 

    Can you point me to any public documentation that shows the "reset" as part of the step? I will work to have that removed.



  • Samantha Powell

    Thank you for the clarification. Its much appreciated :)

    I do see the notification of the download client being discontinued now. I think just the old instructions when quick referencing it was easy to overlook the note: CCCApply Administrator User Guide - CCCApply Public Documentation - Confluence (

    I will let our staff know to omit the reset download step. 


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