CCCTC System Alerts Follow this category for systemwide alerts, notifications, and release announcements from the CCC Technology Center.
- ID.me
CCCApply The full suite of online admission applications for the California Community Colleges.
CCCApply Report Center The online reporting tool for the CCCApply suite of applications and the CC Promise Grant Application.
CCCApply Administrator The online admin configuration tool for the CCCApply suite of applications.
CCC Data Warehouse Get support for the Data Warehouse Report Server or direct (ODBC/JDBC) connection.
CCC Glue: College Adaptor Get support for SuperGlue, the delivery method connecting your online application data to your college SIS, LMS, ERP ...
- SuperGlue Fraud Data Reporting The SuperGlue Fraud Data API is a SuperGlue-based solution (API) that supports the reporting and sharing of suspected...
CCC MyPath The customizable guided pathways tool for promoting student success during the matriculation process and beyond.
OpenCCC Student Account The unique, systemwide student ID (CCCID) facilitating single sign-on (SSO) for all CCC technology applications and s...
CCC Promise Grant Application The California College Promise Grant Application (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) .
CCCApply International Application The application for admission exclusively for F1 and M1 students applying to the California Community Colleges.
CCC SSO The single sign-on (SSO) proxy initiative for CCC technology applications.
eTranscript California An electronic exchange designed to facilitate the request and delivery of postsecondary transcripts in California.
Career Coach The online career assessment application integrated with CCC MyPath in support of the Guided Pathways initiative.
COCI Support for the Chancellor's Office Curriculum and Inventory (COCI) application under-development by the CCC Technolo...
C-ID Support for the Course Identification and Numbering (C-ID) technology application for the California Community Colleges.