- CCCTC System Alerts Follow this category for systemwide alerts, notifications, and release announcements from the CCC Technology Center.
- ID.me
- CCCApply The full suite of online admission applications for the California Community Colleges.
- CCCApply Report Center The online reporting tool for the CCCApply suite of applications and the CC Promise Grant Application.
- CCCApply Administrator The online admin configuration tool for the CCCApply suite of applications.
- CCC Data Warehouse Get support for the Data Warehouse Report Server or direct (ODBC/JDBC) connection.
- CCC Glue: College Adaptor Get support for SuperGlue, the delivery method connecting your online application data to your college SIS, LMS, ERP ...
- SuperGlue Fraud Data Reporting The SuperGlue Fraud Data API is a SuperGlue-based solution (API) that supports the reporting and sharing of suspected...
- CCC MyPath The customizable guided pathways tool for promoting student success during the matriculation process and beyond.
- OpenCCC Student Account The unique, systemwide student ID (CCCID) facilitating single sign-on (SSO) for all CCC technology applications and s...
- CCC Promise Grant Application The California College Promise Grant Application (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) .
- CCCApply International Application The application for admission exclusively for F1 and M1 students applying to the California Community Colleges.
- CCC SSO The single sign-on (SSO) proxy initiative for CCC technology applications.
- eTranscript California An electronic exchange designed to facilitate the request and delivery of postsecondary transcripts in California.
- Career Coach The online career assessment application integrated with CCC MyPath in support of the Guided Pathways initiative.
- COCI Support for the Chancellor's Office Curriculum and Inventory (COCI) application under-development by the CCC Technolo...
- C-ID Support for the Course Identification and Numbering (C-ID) technology application for the California Community Colleges.