Is there a way to prevent CCCApply college application confirmation email if marked as Fraud?
If a student applies via CCCApply and then an Admissions & Records staff member marks the application as Fraud, is there a way to prevent the college CCCApply application confirmation email?
It is the email with the application confirmation number and our college name (I assume the college set up the custom text of the email confirmation).
This is not related to any OpenCCC user account emails if those are sent just the college application confirmation email.
One of our A&R staff tried to see if there is a logic filter for applications marked for Fraud but did not notice any.
I would not think we should be sending confirmation emails to fraud students.
Thank you!
Michael D. Ward
Applications Specialist III / Canvas System Administrator
Information Technology Services
Rancho Santiago Community College District
2323 N Broadway, STE 250
Santa Ana, CA 92706-1606
(714) 480-7412 telephone
(714) 480-7402 fax
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