Unable to activate Transfer Majors Filter in Production
I am having difficulty enabling the transfer major filter for our colleges, almost identical to the behavior another user described in the pilot environment (https://openccc-staffsupport.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/26045554606349-Unable-to-activate-Transfer-Majors-Filter-in-Pilot). I have used different browsers, cleared my cache, tried at various times of the day, and nothing I do seems to keep the filter checked in the UI. The support website notes that "[s]ome colleges may notice a lag time between enabling/disabling the filter checkbox and having the change persist in the UI." How long is filter activation expected to take? I have waited upwards of 15 minutes after checking the box (until our SSO times me out) and it's still not activated. I have nine colleges (LACCD) that are eager to use this new functionality.
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