integration update: Unverified status and Student Name Formats
Colleges have been reaching out for clarification on two aspects of the integration that we address in this post:
1. What is the "unverified" idme_workflow_staus, and how is it different from "null"
2. Why are "verified" student names updated and delivered to colleges with nonstandard formatting?
Unverified status
When verifies a student's identity, that verification can be invalidated when a student changes any of their verified data (name, address, dob) on their OpenCCC account. When this happens, their "validated" status changes to "unverified." This allows colleges to distinguish between a student who never validated their identity (null status) and those who may have had a name change, moved, etc.
Since a higher than expected number of students have been triggering the "unverified" status, the SSS team is actively evaluating how sensitive the student account system is to profile changes, and whether we need to refine that level of sensitivity. We are testing now to determine, for instance, if changing the capitalization of the first or last name causes the status to change to "unverified." Updates to the account system will be forthcoming as we refine the evaluations that trigger an "unverified" status.
Unexpected/Nonstandard Formatting of Verified Student Names
The majority of student names returned to OpenCCC from do not match the student name as entered by the student in the OpenCCC profile. The student name from is usually in all caps, a bad format for colleges and students.
Root Cause: The student name sent from and subsequently used in the student profile mimics the format in the identity documentation submitted to by the student. Most government identity documents use all caps for first, middle and last name.
Action Taken: This issue was identified by the CCCTC immediately after the production deployment. CCCTC staff contacted college staff to determine the ramifications of this unexpected all-caps format. College staff confirmed that this formatting would cause issues with downstream systems such as the SIS and Canvas, as well as on documents such as transcripts and diplomas. The CCCTC is working with to address this issue. Updates will be posted once a solution is identified.
Official comment
Hi Marilyn, the null value is when the idme_workflow_staus field is blank(null). This indicates a student whose identity has never been verified by "Unverified" is when a student was previously verified but then changed their name, address, or date of birth (all fields verified by, and so these students become "unverified."
Still confused about null scores. Where do I locate the "null" score?
2. What is the "unverified" idme_workflow_staus, and how is it different from "null"
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